How to Successfully Catch Fish for Survivalists

Survival skills are essential for anyone who enjoys venturing into the great outdoors. Whether you are an avid camper, hiker, or thrill seeker, knowing how to catch fish can be vital to sustain yourself in the wilderness. Fishing can provide you with an excellent source of protein and nutrients, making it an essential skill for any survivalist. In this article, we will explore some tried and tested techniques to help you successfully catch fish in any wilderness scenario.

1. Choose the Right Location

To increase your chances of a successful catch, it is crucial to select the right fishing spot. Factors like the time of day, weather conditions, and the type of waterbody you choose can significantly impact your success.

Typically, early mornings and late evenings are the best times for fishing, as fish are more active during these cooler periods. Look for areas where there is a change in water depth, such as edges of submerged structures, drop-offs, or riverbanks. These spots tend to attract fish, providing you with a higher chance of success.

2. Prepare the Right Gear

Equipping yourself with the correct fishing gear is essential for a successful catch. While survival situations may not allow for fancy equipment, a basic fishing set can still be effective. Here is a list of essential items you should include in your survival fishing kit:

  • Fishing line: A strong and durable fishing line, preferably made of braided nylon, to ensure it can withstand the challenging environments you may face.
  • Hooks: Carry a variety of hooks in different sizes, as this will increase your chances of catching your desired fish.
  • Weights: Also known as sinkers, these are essential for making your bait reach the desired depth in the water.
  • Artificial bait and lures: These can work effectively in attracting fish when natural bait is scarce. Carry a variety of lures to suit different fishing conditions.
  • Bobbers: These floating devices attach to your line to help you detect when a fish takes the bait.
  • Survival knife: A versatile tool that can come in handy when cleaning the fish or cutting branches for makeshift fishing poles.

3. Master Basic Fishing Techniques

While there are various fishing techniques, mastering a few fundamental ones can greatly increase your chances of catching fish in survival situations. Here are two techniques you should know:

  • Still Fishing: This technique involves casting your line into the water, then waiting patiently for the fish to bite. Using natural or artificial bait, slowly reel in your line, ensuring that you maintain a delicate touch. If you feel a slight nibble or your bobber moves, be ready to set the hook firmly.

  • Hand Gathering: In situations where you do not have fishing gear at hand, hand gathering can be a useful skill. This method involves capturing fish using your bare hands. In shallow water, move slowly towards the fish, cup your hands, and swiftly grab the fish when in range. This technique requires patience, stealth, and a good understanding of the fish’s behavior.

4. Understand Fish Behavior

To increase your chances of catching fish, it is crucial to understand their behavior patterns. Different species of fish exhibit distinct habits, which can help you anticipate their movements and choose the right technique.

For instance, predatory fish like bass are often found lurking around underwater structures or hiding in the shadows, waiting for an opportunity to strike. On the other hand, species like trout prefer cooler, oxygen-rich waters and tend to stay close to rocks or fallen trees.

5. Practice Patience and Perseverance

Fishing, like any other skill, requires patience and perseverance. It is essential to approach fishing as a game of strategy, adapting to the changing conditions and trying new techniques when needed. Sometimes, it may take hours to catch a fish, but with persistence and careful observation, your chances of success will greatly improve.


Having the skills to catch fish is vital for survivalists, providing a reliable source of sustenance in the wild. By choosing the right location, preparing the correct gear, mastering a few fishing techniques, understanding fish behavior, and practicing patience, you will significantly increase your chances of catching fish when it matters most. Remember, fishing is not only an essential survival skill but also a wonderful way to enjoy the great outdoors and test your hunting instincts. So get out there and embrace the thrill of the wild!