Surviving in the Wild: How to Catch Fish in the River

As a survivalist, being able to catch your own food is a crucial skill that can mean the difference between thriving and barely surviving in the wilderness. Fish are a great source of protein and nutrients, and rivers are often teeming with them. In this article, we will discuss some techniques for catching fish in the river to help you sustain yourself in the wild.


Imagine finding yourself lost in the wilderness with little food and water supplies. You may have some basic survival gear with you, but it may not be enough to sustain you for long. In such situations, knowing how to catch fish in the river can be a lifesaver. Fish are abundant in rivers and can provide you with a much-needed source of food.


  1. Finding the Right Spot – The first step in catching fish in the river is to find the right spot. Look for areas where the water is moving slowly, such as bends in the river or behind rocks. Fish tend to gather in these calmer waters as it requires less energy for them to swim.

  2. Making a Fishing Rod – If you have some basic materials with you, you can fashion a makeshift fishing rod. A long stick or branch can serve as the rod, while you can use a piece of string or even shoelaces as the fishing line. Attach a hook to the end of the line and bait it with insects or small pieces of food.

  3. Using a Spear – If you don’t have a fishing rod, you can try your hand at spearfishing. Look for fish swimming near the surface of the water and use a sharpened stick or a homemade spear to catch them. This method requires more skill and precision but can be very effective.

  4. Building a Fish Trap – Another method for catching fish in the river is to build a fish trap. You can fashion a trap out of materials such as branches, vines, and rocks to create a barrier for the fish. Leave an opening for the fish to swim in, but make it difficult for them to find their way out.

  5. Patience and Observation – Regardless of the method you choose, catching fish in the river requires patience and observation. Take the time to watch the fish and understand their behavior. This will help you determine the best approach to catch them effectively.


Catching fish in the river can be a rewarding and essential skill for survivalists in the wild. By mastering the techniques mentioned above and honing your fishing skills, you can ensure a sustainable source of food to sustain yourself in the wilderness. Remember to always respect nature and practice responsible fishing practices to ensure the health and longevity of the river ecosystem.

So next time you find yourself lost in the wilderness, don’t panic. Instead, head to the nearest river and try your hand at catching fish. With patience, skill, and a little bit of luck, you may just catch yourself a delicious meal that will keep you going as you navigate the challenges of surviving outdoors.